eBay Item Location Policy and Issues

How to


Last update August 1, 2023

What is item location on eBay?

Item location is an accurate statement of where your item is shipped from.

eBay official Item Location policy page states:

“To make sure buyers have a clear understanding of shipping charges and delivery times, sellers must provide accurate information in their listings about where their item will be shipped from.”

As an eBay seller, this is the most important thing you need to keep in mind: you have to correctly inform your customers about where the goods are shipped from.

What is eBay Item Location Policy?

This is what eBay asks you as a seller:

  • You have to state clear information about the item’s location. This includes postal code, city, and country;
  • Your stated item location must be consistent across all areas of the listing (title, description, and item specifics)
  • The orders’ tracking numbers must always match the shipping location provided.

How can I change item location on eBay?

Item location is a potential source of issues and errors when bulk-listing on eBay with Nembol.

Item location must be consistent with your Business Policies, otherwise eBay will reject your listings and you won’t be able to sell your items.

How to change item location on each listing

When you create a new listing, you can choose the item location at the bottom of the page, just before the “Sell if faster” block.

There, you can state each item’s “ship from” location.

Important! You can assign in bulk an item location to your listings using Nembol.

change the item location of your products at the end of the listing
change the item location of your products at the end of the listing

eBay: How to change default item location

To use an item location as a default setting, you should:

  1. Go to eBay and click on “Hi -your username-” in the upper left corner.
  2. Click on the “Account settings ” and select “Addresses.”
  3. Make any required changes to the address information. Your default location for future listing publication will be changed according to your new address.

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How to avoid common location errors due to eBay business policies

Sometimes, when bulk listing on eBay with Nembol, you get this error:

“Your item Location indicates that your item is in the United States, but you’ve chosen a shipping service that ships from outside the US. In order for your listing to be clear, please go back and edit the item location or the shipping service to make sure that they are accurate. For more information, see our Item location misrepresentation policy.”

This is quite common among new users and fresh eBay accounts. The reason is due to inconsistency between stated Item Location and Business Policies.

In this guide, we will go through how to change item location only. You can read our dedicated guides on eBay Business Policy management here:

Read more: most common errors while setting business policies

How to state item location on Nembol

You can choose a default item location in your Nembol settings for all listings that you will post on eBay via Nembol.

  • Under “Publish settings”, in Nembol’s eBay settings, you have to set your business policies and type your postal code (mandatory only to use calculated shipping). Choose the item location from the dropdown menu, together with the shipping policy, returns policy, and payment policy (see screenshot below).

From now on, Nembol will publish on eBay all your products using this item location.

This setting is not retroactive, meaning that if you change the item location in your Nembol settings, Nembol will not modify previously published items.

ebay-item-location 2024
choose the ebay item location in nembol settings

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