Share listings across two Etsy stores


Transfer your Etsy listings to another Etsy store

See how you can transfer listings from one Etsy account to a second Etsy account.
You can do more: sync inventory and connect listings.

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How to share your products across two Etsy accounts

This video above shows you how to copy your Etsy listings to a second Etsy store. Here below you can find a brief summary of the information found in the video.

  1. To list products from one Etsy store to another one, first, you need to be logged in both your accounts (to ease the explanation, we will refer to them as Etsy1 and Etsy2). Check the following guide and read more specific instructions on how to connect two Etsy accounts to Nembol.
    Read more: Nembol with two Etsy accounts
  2. Once you’ve connected both Etsy stores to your Nembol account, you can start importing from the first store. All you need to do is to click on the import button next to your Etsy1. Before doing that, check the “Import from Etsy” settings to ensure you are importing the correct products (note that importing always takes some time, so you have to be patient).
  3. After you’ve imported your products from Etsy 1, check the “List to Etsy” settings (of Etsy 2) in order to manage the way your listings will be published on this channel.
    Tip: always test-list as draft (List as Active setting is “Off”): this will prevent you from paying listing fees on Etsy until you are sure to publish those products.
  4. Go to your Products Tab in Nembol.
  5. Select the items you want to list on Etsy 2 and click on Actions > Publish. Flag Etsy 2 and click on Publish. Again, listing will take some time, depending on the current traffic on Etsy’s servers.

Congratulations! You have correctly exported your Etsy listing to a second Etsy store. Now that you have transfered your listings, you can sync their quantities and manage products content.


Transfer your listings from your second Etsy store to the first one

You can repeat the same process for your Etsy2, if you want.
Nembol will import only those products who are not on your Nembol account yet.

Nembol never imports twice the same item from the same channel. This prevents you from having duplicated listings.

So, what happens when you import from Etsy 2, after having published from Etsy 1?

Everytime you ask Nembol to import from any channel, it will automatically check for the products’ SKU code.

When Nembol finds a SKU code that matches another one already in your catalog, it will link those two listings, syncing quantities and edits (every time you get an order, in any connected channel).

In this way, there’s no need to re-list, and no chance of having duplicated products.

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