Link and sync multiple eBay accounts

Channel insights

Last update November 12, 2023

Can you have multiple eBay accounts?



Can I have two or more eBay accounts?

The practice of having multiple eBay accounts definitively has its Pros (and also some Cons). But many sellers are wondering: is it allowed to have more than one eBay account?

The answer is: absolutely YES! eBay itself clearly states (see screenshot below) that it’s perfectly allowed to have multiple eBay accounts unless you are creating them to circumvent eBay’s best practices, policies, and rules on selling limits and restrictions.

ebay allows you to have multiple ebay accounts, unless you are using them to avoid ebay’s rules
ebay allows you to have multiple ebay accounts, unless you are using them to avoid ebay’s rules

Not only. Pay attention! If you have multiple accounts, and one gets suspended for unallowed behavior, the other ones could also be subjected to limitations. eBay’s systems are really good at finding related accounts, so a mutiple-ID strategy is not a remedy for suspensions.

In conclusion: YES, you can open multiple eBay accounts, but always in respect of eBay’s policies.

Note: Nembol can help on this by enabling you to automatically transfer part, or all, of your listings from one eBay account to the other, by syncing inventory count when you get a sale, by providing easy-to-use price rules to differentiate your policy across accounts.

What do I need to open a second eBay account?

For each new eBay account, you need a different email address. You can’t use the same email on multiple eBay accounts.

Nevertheless, you can use the same financial information (bank account/credit card details) from your first account.

You can’t cross-reference your seller IDs in your products, meaning you can’t link your store in the other’s listings.

PayPal is a different story, and we will go through that later in this guide.

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Why should I use multiple eBay accounts?

There are many reasons why eBay users would choose to have more than one account. Some are:

  1. You may prefer to manage separate accounts for different product lines: you could have one seller ID for clothing, and one for shoes; or one seller ID for selling new items, and another one to sell pre-owned products.
  2. Having multiple selling IDs allows you to take advantage of different branding and better audience targeting (i.e. sell to different niches).
  3. You can try different pricing strategies and SEO optimizations.
  4. Each seller ID has its own rating: sporadic negative reviews won’t affect all other accounts.
  5. You may want to have one account for buying, and one (or more) for selling items.
  6. Keeping the accounting separate makes it easier to track sales, profitability, and expenses. In general, separated accounts allow you to organize your business more efficiently.

Can I have two eBay accounts with only one PayPal account?

With PayPal, things are a little trickier. Here is what PayPal and eBay say:

  • How many eBay accounts can you link to the same PayPal account? As many as you want.
  • How many PayPal accounts can you link to your eBay shipping address page? Just one.
  • How many personal PayPal accounts can you have? Just one.
  • How many business PayPal accounts can you have? Theoretically one, but actually, you can have more.

Please note that you can’t just open PayPal

business accounts straight away. You need to contact PayPal and ask for permission. Once granted, you need to open a completely new business on PayPal, with registration documents, a bank account, and a credit card.

Remember that if you offer PayPal as a payment option on eBay, you must accept all forms of PayPal payment, including payments from:

  • Existing PayPal account balances
  • Bank account transfers
  • Credit card payments

How to manage multiple eBay accounts

Share listings across two eBay accounts

We already explained the Pros of having two eBay accounts, but what are the negative sides?

  • Managing two eBay accounts is really time-consuming: you have to keep the inventory aligned on both accounts after every sale, to prevent overselling. This problem multiplies if you also use other platforms, like Etsy, Amazon, or Shopify.
  • You surely put a lot of effort into setting up each listing, and you don’t want to lose all that work when migrating products from one shop to another.
  • Also, you need to remember to always replicate and apply the same edits on corresponding listings.

This is already a lot of additional work, without considering human errors that, we know, occur more often than what we want. In the absence of proper automation, you are going to suffer out of this.

So the best choice for multi-store sellers is to use a multi-channel syncing app: yes, like Nembol.

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Multiple eBay accounts app

Nembol is a multi-channel listing software & inventory sync app that allows online sellers to:

  1. List on multiple channels from up to two eBay accounts at the same time
  2. Sync inventory on two eBay accounts at once
  3. Sync product updates on two eBay accounts

And there’s more: Nembol lets you list, sync end edit on multiple channels: eBay, Amazon, Etsy, Shopify, Facebook Shops, Pinterest, and many more.

All automatically, real-time. And we use official eBay APIs, so there’s no risk of being banned or suspended.

Don’t forget that Nembol already supports:
List and sync on two Etsy shops
List and sync on two Shopify stores

How to connect two eBay accounts with Nembol

Connecting two eBay accounts to Nembol is really easy. All you need to do is:

  1. Go to your Channels Tab in Nembol
  2. Click on the “+” button
  3. Log in to your first eBay account, it’ll be connected in a few seconds
  4. Click on the “+” button again
  5. Log in to your second second eBay account using your second eBay username and password
  6. You’re done: alive and active on multiple channels with your two eBay users.



Things you must know about syncing two eBay accounts:

  1. Nembol will show the two usernames, to help you distinguish your eBay 1 from eBay 2.
  2. You need to choose the business policies to use with each eBay account
  3. Listings on eBay are automatically categorized using the category of the source channel.

Once you associated an eBay account to Nembol, you can’t remove it by yourself. Our support team needs to reset the channel for you. Contact us using the chat on your bottom-right corner.

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